Sounds so easy right?
Over the years, I know that I am more productive with my writing when I am sharing and receiving feedback from other writers, thus the reason for starting the year with the blog challenge. I am hoping to start meeting with local writers again as well, and have a first meeting scheduled already for this week.
I recently poured my heart out to someone who didn't know me over the last few years. It was that person saying several times now that I should be writing down more of my stories that made me start picking at things in the last few months. My ultimate goal for 2019 for my writing career is to finally put out some of my fictional writing. It's like the last terrifying thing that I need to at least try....or die disappointed in myself for not doing it.
I am already working on several blogs about local issues that will be coming up in the next few months. I love helping to inform residents as much as possible, and will try harder to post more about what is going on in the region, and with council. Often when I am struggling with an issue going into a meeting it is the interaction and the feedback that I receive from residents that guides me in my decisions. Every decision we make as a council affects local residents almost immediately, I will never take that responsibility lightly. I have learned over the last year that we will never, ever please everyone...even when we thought people would be extremely happy with something that we have brought forward we have received negative feedback...and that is literally on every single issue. I try to make decisions by thinking about the big picture, and long term. But even when residents don't agree or upset, those conversations are extremely important as well. If I never try to see all the sides of an issue, I think I am at risk for having a closed mind, and in a healthy democracy that is not healthy.
I'm excited about 2019, as far as the municipality goes I think that Mayor Scott and the rest of council has laid a good foundation in 2018 to get some very productive things done this year. But I am also realistic and know that we have some hard work ahead of us before we see some movement on big items like downtown development. I guess I will continue to hope that residents have patience, as nothing was done with the downtown for so many years, and we are working on it, but it can't just be changed miraculously over night.
My personal challenge for 2019? I am going to tackle my house. We are going into year 3 of construction around here, and I had a conversation with someone and admitted that I am having a great deal of anxiety of what it will look like again come the spring. Once the foundation issues start to be addressed will more things be found wrong? Will the contractor be committed to the job and get it done in the least amount of time possible? Will I once again be avoiding being around the house because of the noise and mess? We all don't want to complain about the situations we are in since the fire, but it's okay to feel frustrated that it's going into year 3 and we are still dealing with contractors and insurance. It sucks. So I'm hoping we will finally have our home back this year, and I will take control of it again, much like I have done with other aspects of my life(ie my weight).
I love the beginning of a new year, it seems to stretch out like a canvas, or some blank pages. I can't wait to see what will be written on them. I am hoping if you read this far you will help me on my challenge over the next 31 days, keep me accountable and ask where my blog posts are if it's not up by 3p.m every day.

You're not alone. Many of us have that same wall. Good luck with your writing.