Sunday, March 9, 2014

Restaurant where we tend to go most often.

I think I can say that out of all the restaurants in Fort McMurray, The Pantry is the one where we have spent the most time over the years.
It is connected to the Merit Hotel, towards the end of Franklin(which, I forgot to mention, is the main street that runs the whole length of downtown Fort McMurray). At first we went here because Allison, a girl from New Glasgow worked there as a waitress, and we all fell in love with her, and it seemed like the only time we got to see her was when we went to the restaurant.

The Pantry hosted our  family brunches with John and Andrea MacLean over the years on Sundays. It was our time to catch up on all the week's news and have a great breakfast in a relaxed atmosphere. We never feel rushed when we go here. We use to go faithfully, but as the boys all grew older, and we all are so busy, we fell out of the habit. But when we do go, we always say we should do it more often.

Everyone always has a favourite spot, a place you feel comfortable, a place where you can sit over a leisurely coffee. And for us, this is our spot.

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