Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yes, it was my first time!

So I went yesterday to finally start my fitness class challenge.  I signed up for Saturday morning yoga with Angela from Balanced Body Yoga here in Fort McMurray.  This class was a "good stretching class" and would be a good place to get my feet wet in the yoga world.  After having some anxiety about the whole "outfit" thing, and then realizing that my scaly dinosaur feet would be exposed for all to see, AND ten minutes before leaving thinking that I would probably need a mat, I pushed myself out the door before I found another excuse not to go.

Of course as I entered the studio at our local high school, Angela immediately put me at ease with a hug and some reassurance that she would walk me through the poses and help out if I needed it.  The soothing music in the background also help set the atmosphere for the next hour.  Luckily Angela is a well prepared teacher, and she had mats, blocks and other goodies to share with us newcomers, so I grabbed a mat, and a spot to experience something totally new.

The first thing that I noticed, and that stayed with me all day is that I lay there for those first few minutes and was suppose to be "leaving the outside world stuff to come to the yoga class" in other words I was suppose to stop thinking about the laundry waiting at home, if the baby was giving Tim a hard time while I was gone, if I had to go to the grocery store again today, if, what, when, etc.etc....and for me, I realized that I am not really spending much time in my body.  Sounds weird right?  But as I lay there I could not help but thinking when was the last time I paid attention to my breath?  When was the last time I was aware of how I was feeling?  I rush through the days making sure everyone else is where they should be, fed, dressed properly, feeling okay and having a good day....but I could not tell you the last time I sat with myself in silence for five minutes.  I am hoping if nothing else that yoga will teach me to do this better....every time Angela said to relax my shoulders, I realized that mine were completely tensed up.

So how did I do?  Not bad!  I did not know some of the poses, but others around me did, and Angela was demonstrating, so I could pretty quickly get into one...and my balance is not as bad as I thought it would be, as I proudly thought as I held my tree pose.  Oh, and I think the left side of my body is actually stronger, but if you had asked me I would have said for sure the right side would be(another weird find from the class).  And today my core muscles are feeling it, as are the tops of my legs, so I got a workout too.

But I think for my first class that I would say that I realized that the practice of yoga will be very relaxing for me, and it is going to make me aware of my body again....and that is something that I did not even realize I was taking for granted again.

Angela does drop in classes all through the week out here, and they are pretty cheap, so why not try one out with me?  You can look at her class schedule, prices and even some of the common yoga poses at her website,, or her facebook page.  I know that after one class I will be signing up for some more after this session.

And now this week to cross off my next class to try, Zumba!  If anyone in Fort McMurray knows of a good beginner class could you pop me a note?  Thanks, and Namaste!

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you! I found yoga helps me most with stress relief too. Now, if I could just find time to go back too...
